23 بهمن 1403 :: 11 February 2025




The interview of Masoud Nedjabati, the judge of the design and graphic section of the festival

The interview of Masoud Nedjabati, the judge of the design and graphic section of the festival


Name and the logo of the festival


I think the title of the festival proposes the goal of it thoroughly; we can see the time for Israel countdown to destruction in it, that is the greate event that all our allies are waiting for to happen: destruction of Israel. This subject is clearly shown in the logo, title and recall of the festival. Those who see the title for the first time may ask what the purpose and goal of such festival is; they will completely realize the goal of the festival by seeing its logo.


Countdown to Qods-occupier regime destruction

The phrase "Israel destruction in less than 25 years" was not unexpected to us because its basis is in Hadiths from our Imams. Additionally, Supreme leader has promised such event to the members of hizbullah  of Lebanon several times after the 33-day war. Also, anyone who believes in The End Time signes and news, knows that the destruction of Israel is one of the divine promises and will happen definitely. Also the annunciation of Supreme leader and the deadline that he predetermined, inspire the resistant forces.


Where can our resistance front artists and international soft war artists associate with each other?


This performing Hourglass Festival  or the Holocaust festival held in the past are examples of the resistance in soft war. Generally, the anti-theocracy and oppression ambiance that is the ideal of all noble people around the world is different from the thought, religion and the purpose that we, the Muslims, follow; this is the point that the Supreme leader had referred to that the Zionist regime is hated by all noble people around the world and these common points cause that we communicate with the anti-zionist artists of all over the world. In the past, we had such communication in Holocaust festival, directed by Mr Shodjai Tabatabai too. At that time, the secretariat of the festival has received artworks from 77 countries; at the same time, the UN held a festival with high expenses for publicity and rewards to take the part of Zionist regime  but just the artists from 50 countries had participated in that.

This is the common point that the Zionists tried to attract and benefit from it specifically in artistic sphere. For this purpose, they started some campaigns in cyberspace. Their slogan proposed that the artist should be gentle and look for piece; their attempt were to prevent the artists from crusade.


What do you think of the stimulus that motivates the artists to participate in such festivals with low financial benefits?


In my opinion, the artists don't participate in such festivals for financial reasons because if they look for financial benefits they are able to achieve them in other ways. So, regarding the dangers that menace the artists in resistant front in the world, I think that their stimulus is not financial; their purpose is to react against the events that are not accepted by any sage. For example we had faced the artists from Latin America, Europe and also from the United States that protest about this subject.

A gracious event that is going to happen is that any noble and sage can accept that  the nations should be considered mugwamp from their governments; this is what the propaganda in cyberspace and social networks try to say, they want to introduce Israel as a nation and legitimize it while we declare that we won't recognize Israel as a nation; how does it possible that a regime occupy a nation's homeland and recognize itself as a nation? So we can't compare Israel with any other nation and till Palestine is occupied, we can't negotiate with them. These points are mentioned to remark that even we ignore the legitimacy of Israel, something that is not acceptable by the artists from different countries, the operations and the behaviors of this regime in the past years were in a way that even enforced the United Nations that is so devoted trough the Zionist regime, to react against the expansion of settlements and the oppression done by this regime and condemn it by a statement.


Do you remember a specific memento that shows the similarity of anti-theocracy beliefs of domestic and international artists?


In the past, when I was one of the Fajr festivals' judges, we've invited Mr Xavier Bermudez, one of the considerable artists from Mexico to Iran as a guest and as a judge at the same time. He told me that he has a website in which he publishes anti-US arts that are free for download. When we were at the airport, the TV showed a demonstration in the Spain in witch his poster was used. His dialogs were so familiar to me; for example, he was concerned about the way his child chose his clothes that was affected by western culture, watching Hollywood films, changes in his way of talking ; he was worry about the US cultural invasion in Mexico.

Another artist from Brazil had participated in that festival. We understood that he has similar thoughts as Mr Bermudez from his takings.

Later, trough the communication with different artists around the world in cyberspace, we found out that the reason for which they look for the artworks of Iranian anti-theocracy artists is the crusade and the culture that is favorable for them.

Despite the extensive advertisements of West and Israel, the world is moving trough a promised event; in this way, the destruction of Israel is the preface of the great event, the reappearance of the savior of mankind.

id : 314 | Update : 10-02-2025 10:27:53